Sources of XVIIIth century manuscript and printed music:
- SLUB Dresden: Homepage
- BSB Digitale Sammlungen – Das Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum (MDZ) betreut die Digitalen Sammlungen der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek. Seit 1997 wurden mehr als 20.000 Bände digitalisiert.
- Sibley Music LIbrary
- Indiana university library
- The Danish National Digital Sheet Music Archive – The Royal Library – View selected works from our sheet music and music manuscripts online
- Bach Gesellschaft
- charpentier.htm
- Jean-Baptiste Lully, musicien du Roy – compositions by Lully in modern editions and facsimiles of original printings;
- digitized collections of manuscripts from 17th and 18th century available in the most relevant Italian music libraries;
- – digitized catalogue of “The Alströmer Collection”, one of the most notable collections of eighteenth-century music;
- – relevant collection of original printing and mss. of French music from 17th and 18th century;
- – the North Texas University collection of original editing of Lully’s compositions;
- – the Giedde’s Collection of the Royal Library of Copenhagen collecting flute music mss. from XVIIIth century (second half).
- musedata
- Library of Wroclaw University – Main page – dLibra – digital libraries – system to create and manage digital library, developed by Poznan Supercomputer and Networking Center, gives you Internet access to eductional resources, cultural inheritance, regional metarials and music.
- Digital JP) Nanki Music Library online :: ::, your link to the early music world
- Réseau des Bibliothèques municipales de Versailles – Le réseau des bibliothèques municipales de Versailles conserve et valorise de prestigieuses collections du XVIème siècle, telles que les manuscrits musicaux du fonds Philidor et de la collection de musique baroque Musique du Roi, présentées dans ses fonds numérisés.
- UD – Utile Dulci Database
- Manuscripts from the holdings of the Music Department of the National Library of the Czech Republic and the Slavonic Library | Manuscriptorium
- Biblioteque municipale de Toulouse
- Digitale Sammlungen Darmstadt – Musikhandschriften (Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt)
- BLB Karlsruhe
- Berlin SBB| Digitalisierte Sammlungen der SBB
- Biblioteca digitale Estense – Opere musicali
- ONB-Suche
- – Musik- och teaterbiblioteket, Stockholm
Other music score in modern edition websites:
- International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP) – a WIKI site offering scanned in public domain scores;
- – ready-to-print sheet music, most in the form of PDF files or in compressed Postscript format;
- Johan Tufvesson‘s free sheet music archive Library – scores and separate parts of instrumental music from the 17th and 18th century available in postscript and pdf format;
- Web Projects by John S. Powell et al
- Start – Bach Digital
- – Dedicated to the baroque cantata repertoire, this site intends to further the opportunities to research and perform this vast and fascinating genre.
- The Web Library of Seventeenth Century Music (WLSCM)
- Mutopia: List of all music
Composers Biographies and Catalogues:
- Catalogue of Telemann works (TWV – Telemann Werke Verzeichnis)
- Klassika: Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) – Informationen zu Leben und Werk von Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767)
- – Catalogue of Quantz works (QV – Quantz Verzeichnis);
- Music composed by Johann Joachim Quantz with audio mp3 files and pdf of original manuscripts;
- Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica – Catalogo Gaspari
- RISM-OPAC: Welcome
- Musipedia: Musipedia Melody Search Engine – A search engine for tunes and musical themes and a collaborative music encyclopedia. Only the melody needs to be known to search Musipedia or the Web. The melody can be played on a keyboard or whistled or sung to the computer. The Musipedia collection is editable by anybody, just like Wikipedia.
- RISM (Répertoire International des Sources Musicales) on-line
- RISM UK and Ireland
Musicology, Instruments and Baroque:
- Early Music Network | International Early Music Society
- Istituto Italiano per la Storia della Musica: IISM
- SIFTS Società Italiana del Flauto Traverso Storico
- Istituto dell’Organo Storico Italiano
- AID-A Associazione Italiana dell’Arpa
- British Harpsichord Society
- AMIS American Music Instruments Society
- MIM Musée des Instruments de Musique – Bruxelles
- Musik Museet – Stockholm
- Fondazione Arcadia
- Associazione Domenico Scarlatti
- Progetto Bononcini
- SECM Society for Eighteenth-Century Music
- Opera Buffa – Napoli 1707-1750
- Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music
- Bibliothèque virtuelle des manuscrits médiévaux (BVMM)
- Australia: MSA Musicological Society of Australia
- Austria: OEGMW Österreichiche Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft
- Cechia
- Croazia: CMS Croatian Musicological Society
- Denmark: Danish Musicological Society
- France: SFM Société Française de Musicologie
- Germany: GfM Gesellschaft für Musikforschung
- Japan: MSJ The Musicological Society of Japan
- India: Indian Musicological Society
- Ireland: SMI Society for Musicology in Ireland
- Israel: Israel Musicological Society
- Italy: SIdM Società Italiana di Musicologia
- Norway: Norsk Musikkforskerlag – Norwegian Musicological Society
- New Zeland: NZMS New Zealand Musicological Society
- Holland: KVNM Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis
- United Kingdom: RMA Royal Musical Association
- Serbia: SMS Serbian Musicological Society
- Spain: SEdeM Sociedad Española de Musicología
- United States: AMS – American Musicological Society
- Sweden: SSM Svenska Samfundet för Musikforskning
- Switzerland: SMG – SSM Schweizerische Musikforschende Gesellschaft – Société Suisse de Musicologie – Società Svizzera di Musicologia
- Italian Switzerland: SSM-SI Società Svizzera di Musicologia – Sezione italiana
- Hungary: HAS Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Institute for Musicology
- Venezuela: SVM Sociedad Venezoelana de Musicología