
AAlogo-01-Senza dicitura_piccolo

Here is a history of the Armonia Antiqua ensemble from 1975 to nowadays.

The ensemble has an intense recording and performing activity. It took part at major theatrical and musical shows dedicated to ancient music presenting its own transcription music of the period between the XII and XVIII century.

They have performed in Spain, England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Jugoslavia, Turkey, Finland, USA, in the Vatican city, in the Soviet Union and all over Italy. Among the major shows it participated, were the “XXII Festival dei due mondi” of Spoleto, the “43° Maggio Musicale Fiorentino”, the “XII Autunno Musicale di Como”, the concerts of the Accademia Filarmonica Romana and the Festival of ancient Music of Urbino and of several other cities.

2003-Copertina-01_piccoloArmonia Antiqua has carried out specific programs which have taken place on the official opening of important art and culture shows of the Renaissance (i.e. the exhibition “Liturgia in figura” in the Apostolic Vatican Library, the program of music at the court of the Pope between the XIV and XV century, the celebrations of the V centenary of the birth of Giorgione, the XVI exhibition of european art, science and culture “Firenze e la Toscana dei Medici nell’Europa del ‘500”, the international convention of the studies of Caravaggio, the international convention “Sisto IV e le arti a Roma nel primo rinascimento”, the congress “Ville e giardini storici”, the major exhibition of venetian paintings which took place at the Pushkin Museum in Moscow and the Titian exhibition in the National Gallery of art in Washington).

Armonia Antiqua has carried out over the years different musical programs, covering every aspect of the musical production of Middle Ages, Renaissance and Baroque period. The programs performed are arranged according to geographic areas or according to the musical forms and genres, the thematics which form the lyrics of the music, the musical sources both manuscript and printed, the occasions in which the music accompanied specific moments of life of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Man (the holy feast and the profane holiday, the pilgrimage, the city life, the theatrical shows, the devotion).

1996-Labro-01_piccoloThe ensemble has performed in costume, together with groups specialized in the reconstruction of historical dances of the Renaissance, and with art experts in musical shows-conferences about musical iconography.

The ensemble has the support and collaboration of several singers and also vocal ensembles, depending on the requirements of the chosen program.

The ensemble performs with authentic copies of the instruments of the period rebuilt by specialized makers using the most up to date organologic research carried out on original models, now preserved in the major musical collections of the world.